
各項Q & A









(5) 照片
(6) 說明書(內容需有:姓名、護照號碼、居留證號碼、國籍,並需說明延期原因,再加以簽名)
(7) 住屋契約書(若有更換住址)

(8) 費用是NT $1000






Q2. 延長居留期間是否可以打工? 



勞動部規定,僑外生若是沒有工作許可證就自行打工, 被查到的話需要罰3萬至15萬元罰鍰,同時將會被管制3年不得再來台工作。






Q3. 居住地有更新要如何處理?


(1) 房屋契約書 (若不是你本人承租的就要請承租人撰寫同意讓你一起住的同意書,並在同意書上簽章)

等找到了工作,拿到工作許可之後,居留證需要再重辦一次, 同樣要在15天內完成更新,將居留事由從「其他」更改成「就業」。 



Q4. 畢業後健保要如何處理? 



如果沒有去辦理的話,在你找到工作,公司開始投保後, 健保署就會發現之前有欠費,也會發出追繳單,所以還是需要補繳。如果在沒有繳健保費的空窗期去看醫生,是需要先全額付款, 等之後繳清健保費後,再拿醫院收據回去原本的醫院/


Q5. 僑外畢業生有哪些方式可以申請工作證呢?










Q6. 一定要拿到畢業證書才能申請留臺工作嗎?





Q7. 工作許可一定要雇主幫忙申請? 







Q1、Can I stay in Taiwan after graduation?

Of course it is possible!

At present, there are two ways for overseas Chinese / foreign students to apply to stay in Taiwan after graduation: internship in Taiwan and work in Taiwan (Comment System Form)

After overseas Chinese / Foreignstudents graduate, the school will issue a graduation notification for Immigration agency, and at this time, the Alien Residence Certificate(ARC) will be invalid.

Therefore, within 15 days of obtaining the graduation certificate, you must go to the Immigration agency to apply for an extension of residence.

The first time was extended to December 31 of the current year, and the second time was extended to June 30 of the following year.

The documents that need to be prepared are:
(1) Application Forms
(2) Passport (original and photocopy)
(3) Alien Residence Certificate(ARC) (original and photocopy)

(4) graduation certificate (original and photocopy)
(5) photo
(6) manual(The content must include: name, passport number, residence permit number, nationality, and the reason for the extension, plus signature
(7) Housing Deed
(If there is a change of address

(8) Fee NT $1000


If you get your graduation certificate,you back to the country within 15 days (no longer in Taiwan), no need to extend your residence permit!

If it takes more than 15 days to back to the country, it is recommended to confirm with the Immigration agency whether or not to extend the residence permit first.


Q2. Is it possible to work part-time during the extended stay?

Remind all students that during the period of extension of residence after graduation (before obtaining the approved documents),

CAN'T part-time work!!!  it's illegal
The main purpose of the extension of residence is to allow students to find a job. Therefore, there is no work permit before finding a full-time job, and it is absolutely not allowed to work illegally!

The Ministry of Labor stipulates that if overseas Chinese / Foreign student work without a work permit, they will be fined 30,000 to 150,000 yuan if they are found,and will be restricted can't working come Taiwan for 3 years.


Q3. What should I do if my place of residence is updated?

After graduation (if you want to apply to stay in Taiwan), you must apply to the Immigration agency for a change of residence address
you have to prepare
(Within 15 days from the effective date of the tenancy agreement

(1) house deed(If you are not renting by yourself, please ask the lessee to write a consent form agreeing to let you live together, and sign the consent form
old Alien Residence Certificate

After finding a job and obtaining a work permit, the Alien residence permit needs to be re-applied again, and the renewal must also be completed within 15 days, changing the reason of residence from "other" to "employment".


ReminderIt is very important! ! !

If no change for more than 15 days, you will be fined!

Q4. How to deal with health insurance after graduation?

Health insurance for graduates, the school only insures until the end of June. Therefore, starting from July, there is no health insurance.

You can go to the Health Insurance Administration,or the district office near where you live to add your own insurance.

If you do not go through it, after you find a job and the company starts to apply for insurance, the Health Insurance Administration will find out that you have arrears before, and will also issue a recovery slip, so you still need to make up the payment.
。If you go to see a doctor when you have not paid your health insurance premiums, you need to pay in full first, and after you have paid your health insurance premiums, you can go back to your original hospital/clinic with the hospital receipt and apply for a refund.

Q5. How can overseas Chinese/Foreign studet graduates apply for a work permit?

There are two application requirements for overseas Chinese/Foreign student graduates to apply for a work permit:

>>Apply by Wages and Work Experience

Basically, it is based on the standard of foreign professionals working in Taiwan. You need to meet the requirements of more than 2 years of work experience after graduating from university, or a master's degree or above, and the average monthly salary of foreigners employed must reach NT$47,971 yuan.

>>Apply by New Scoring Criteria for Foreign and Overseas Chinese Students to Work in Taiwan】 

As long as you are overseas Chinese/Foreignstudent who graduated from Taiwan University, you can apply.

As long as you accumulate 70 points, you can qualify for the evaluation system, but another key factor is that companies also need to meet the standards to hire foreigners.


Q6. Do I must have to get a graduation certificate to apply for a job in Taiwan?

Yes! Be sure to get your graduation certificate before you can apply!


Q7. Do I must need the help of my employer to apply for a work permit?

Yes, you must first find a company willing to hire you and apply for a work permit for you. It is not that you can apply for a work permit by yourself as long as you meet 70 points, and then look for a job again, this is not acceptable!

The work permit must be applied to the Ministry of Labor in the name of the company (if the company has prepared the documents, send it in person, which is also possible).