其他申請注意事項 Miscellaneous
(一) 報名時繳交之「畢業證書」及「歷年成績單」,除海外臺灣學校所發者外,應依教育部「大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法」規定辦理。
The diploma and transcript submitted for application review shall first be authenticated in accordance with the rules promulgated by the ROC Ministry of Education, except for diplomas and transcripts issued by overseas Taiwanese or overseas Chinese schools.
(二) 依教育部規定,凡曾經入學學校以操行、學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學者,不得再向本校申請入學。若違反此規定並經查證屬實者,取消其入學資格。
Students who had a criminal record or ever being expelled by this university cannot apply, and their admission will be revoked if being found.
(三) 已報名或錄取之學生,如經發現申請資格不符規定或所繳交之證件有變造、偽造、假借、冒用等不實情事者,未入學者即取消錄取資格;已入學者開除學籍,亦不發給任何學歷證明;如將來在本校畢業後始發現者,除勒令繳銷其學位證書外,並公告取消其畢業資格。
Admission shall be denied and or the student shall be dismissed from TUMT after admission if there are any violations of the general academic honor code and / or in the authenticity of the applicant’s documents. Those who have graduated shall have their diploma revoked.
(四) 本項招生係依教育部中華民國發布之「外國學生來臺就學辦法」辦理。(網址:https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=H0110001)
This Admission document follows MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan. (URL: https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=H0110001)
(五) 報名繳交之報名資料、證件影本,一經繳交後,概不予退還,請自行保留備份。
No application documents will be returned for any reason. Please make copies for yourself if needed.
(六) 如經註冊入學後,於就學期間許可在臺初設戶籍登記、戶籍遷入登記、歸化或回復中華民國國籍,即喪失外國學生身分,予以退學。
Registered TUMT students whose names are entered in an ROC household register, who are naturalized as ROC citizens or whose ROC citizenship is restored will lose them international student status and be subject to expulsion.
(七) 畢業年級相當於臺灣高級中等學校二年級或香港、澳門地區同級同類學校畢業生得申請本校學士班,如經錄取,入學後應在規定之修業期限內增加其應修畢業學分數12學分。
Applicants who completed high school at an overseas (including Hong Kong and Macau) school that is equivalent to a 11 grade of senior high school in Taiwan may apply for an undergraduate program at TUMT. However, these students must complete 12 extra course credits.
(八) 申請人可同時申請3個系所,惟同獲錄取者,僅能選擇1個系所報到及註冊入學。
Each applicant may apply 3 programs. When an applicant receives more than one admission offer, the applicant can only choose one program to enroll in.
(九) 本校依據「個人資料保護法」之規定,得於業務範圍內收集、處理並使用於法定範圍內之個人項目,以利招生及註冊等程序之進行。
All personal information collected by TUMT during the recruiting and registration process is authorized and protected by the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act.
(十) 本簡章中英文版本如有出入時以中文版為準,如有未盡事宜依相關法規決議辦理。
If there are any discrepancies in interpretation between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version applies. Any issues not mention in this document will be handled according to relevant laws and regulations.