
學雜費退費基準 Tuition Fees Standard

1. 學生於註冊日(含)之前申請休、退學者,應免繳費;已收費者,全額退費。

If students withdraw before registration, they do not need to pay any fees. If they have paid the fees, they will receive a total refund.

2. 學生於開學日(含)之後而未逾學期三分之一申請休、退學者,退還學雜費及其餘各費用總和之三分之二。

If a student withdraws within the six weeks of any semester, they shall receive two -third refund of payment.

3. 學生於開學日(含)之後逾學期三分之一,而未逾學期三分之二申請休、退學者,退還學雜費及其餘各費用總和之三分之一。

If a student withdraws after the seven weeks of any semester, they shall receive one-third refund of payment.

4. 學生於開學日(含)之後逾學期三分之二申請休、退學者,所繳各項費用,不予退還。

If a student withdraws after the twelve weeks of any semester, they shall receive no refund of payment.